Leading Well


If you are a leader, I want you to know about a recently released book that will help you in your leadership journey. Many of you are familiar with Catalyst, the innovative and experiential leadership movement that has been going on for now almost 14 years, and now one of America’s most influential leadership organizations, with conferences and leadership gatherings all around the US. 

Well, recently Catalyst released a game changing book entitled The Catalyst Leader. My good friend, Brad Lomenick authors this leadership book, based on his 20 years of leadership experience, as well as the last 10 years experience as the president and lead visionary of Catalyst. In it Brad identifies and captures what he calls the 8 Essentials for Becoming a Change Maker. Ultimately identifying the essentials of a Catalyst Leader needed for leading well, and leading now. 

You can purchase the book wherever books are sold or head to http://catalystleader.com to learn more. I can’t recommend this book enough, whether you are a young leader or seasoned sage. It’s filled with practical leadership advice and application. 

The best leaders are the ones that are always learning. This is a resource worth checking out. 

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